Monday, July 8, 2013

The Seal Pup Felting Project - Part 1

One pup is mostly done, according to the instructions:

The body is measured 7" by 3", rolled into a wedge 2.5" long. One side should be thicker than the other. That... didn't exactly happen.

Felting is essentially stabbing a barbed needle into wool a lot of times. Somehow, this works.

Rolling the head was a bit harder than the body:

The head should really be further down, almost hanging off the body:

I felted more wool onto the 'chest' of the seal:




The completed body:

When I handed this to a friend, she thought it was a voodoo doll:

The whole thing took about half an hour. I still have about 15 minutes' worth of work left to do - mostly the face. Surprisingly (for me, anyway), this was a pretty simple project... so far.

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