Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Seal Pup Felting Project - Part 5

Grey felt seal

Gray felt seal

Grey felt seal

This one turned out much creepier than the others. I'm not sure why.

I've decided to end my project in felting. Each step feels like more and more of a chore instead of a new hobby. I'm tired of felting whips of wool that won't stay on. I want my projects to be fun, not boring.

I made 3 seal pups, enough that I got what I paid for ($19). The kit was for 3-4 seals, though given the amount of wool I have left over, I'm not sure what the manufacturers were thinking.

Wool felt

I'm a bit miffed about the waste of wool here but I can't keep it.

I can definitely say that I've tried felting and it wasn't for me. At least I got one good animal out of this:

White felted seal

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