Saturday, July 28, 2012

More work on the Embroidery Kit

No, I haven't forgotten about this. It's been sitting on my desk all summer. I had thoughts of abandoning it but I will keep working on it, however slowly.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Getting Rid of Some Yarn

I'm trying to use up the rest of the chunky yarn:

I'm planning to crochet the rest of that yarn into a loop so I can hang this up.

The pattern was a simple basket weave. I cast on 24 stitches.

Rows 1-4: 4 knits, 4 purls, repeat
Rows 5-8: 4 purls, 4 knits, repeat


As you can see, there are 6 sections horizontally and 6 sections vertically. I would have kept going if I had not run out of yarn.

In other news, I'm looking for digital camera recommendations. My camera, as you might have noticed, doesn't get the level of detail I'm looking for. It's a FijiFilm FinePix A400 with 4.1 megapixels. Any suggestions?

Friday, July 20, 2012

My First Crochet Project - Part 2

Part 1 here

My first crochet project, in all its glory! I used up the entire ball of yarn for this. At first I had wanted to make the washcloth square but there wasn't much yarn left for anything else so I kept going.

I still need to weave in the ends but I can do that when I have my yarn needles again.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My First Crochet Project - Part 1

I'm done with practicing for the meantime. My first true project with crocheting is a simple cotton wash cloth.

It's coming along really well. I'm a little concerned about the holes caused by the double crochet but it's not that big of a worry. I definitely need to start chaining and binding off with a larger hook as I tend to bind too tightly.

The yarn is Peaches & Creme, worsted weight, 100% cotton according to the label. I have been using a size H hook.

The pattern is 34 chain long, alternating rows of single and double crochet.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Crocheting in the Round - Badly

I am reasonably confident that I can work out the kinks in my half double and doublet crochet stitches. I am not so certain about my rounds.

I want to wait on these until I go back to school and find someone who can show me how to do it properly.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Treble Crochet

And here I thought the double crochet went quickly! This stitch is taller than the double crochet and there is more space in between the stitches.

I still have issues with turning. Does anyone with more experience have any suggestions on how to do the first/last stitch of a row? Or is this a figment of my imagination?

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Double Crochet

This is my swatch of double crochet stitches. The stitch itself is easy - it's the turning that gets me. I suppose I just need to practice the last few stitches a lot to get it right.

The video I referenced:

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Single and Half Double Crochet

Below is a swatch of single crochet. I really like how it turned out.

This is the video I used:

Below are my attempts at half double crochet. The actual stitch is pretty easy and I have that down so I will go on to double crochet. The only trouble I've had is turning the work. Working into the third chain tends to leave larger than average holes. I will look around on how to fix that.