Saturday, February 28, 2015

Replacing a necklace clasp

A few years ago my mom gave me a necklace which I never wore because I could never figure out the clasp.

 The necklace in question

 The offending clasp

This clasp is called a screw clasp and works exactly like you would expect, by screwing the ends together. Of course, in a necklace, you can't see the clasp so getting the ends together is a challenge. To make matters worse, the plastic necklace string was tied off in the clasp and tended to lie on the threads so I could never get it to work. 

A better view

 If I ever wanted to wear this necklace, the clasp had to go. JoAnn didn't have a good selection of necklace clasps but I found a suitable replacement.

A sensible toggle clasp and new necklace wire

Cutting the original string gave me some beads to start with. I tied the new wire on the toggle in a square knot and threaded a dozen beads onto the wire. The terminating end of the knot I also tucked into the beads so it wouldn't bother me. This secured the wire end in the necklace.

Restringing the necklace went well and I only lost two or three beads.

I tied the wire off on the other toggle end and strung the wire end back into the beads. The beads aren't completely flush with the clasp but that doesn't concern me.

With a toggle clasp, I have finally wore this necklace.