Sunday, September 27, 2015

Go 'Hawks, Take 2

Guess who has two thumbs and a second Seahawks hat? This girl!

This time I tried giving more slack to the color I was stringing behind, to stop the wrinkling. That turned out pretty well.

I had just enough blue yarn left to knit the hat again. Literally, I had five inches left after binding off.

To top it off, the Seahawks shut out the Bears earlier today. It looks like I've found my lucky 'Hawks hat.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Lace Edged Prayer Shawl - Part 1

I'll admit, not actually lace edged. 

This shawl was meant to use up the leftover One Pound Carron. That... didn't turn out the way I thought. Halfway through I ran out of yarn so I had to join another pound of yarn. You should never have to join pounds of yarn together. And how will I use up the rest of this yarn? This was not a well thought out plan.

I wanted to do something like the yarn overs from the triangular prayer shawl but with a rectangle. Have to say, it's really boring. At least I'm mostly done.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Seahawks Hat - Part 2

Done after five minutes on the DPN. And of course I'm making another one with the leftover yarn.

Materials used:
Main color: 220 Superwash Aran, Blue Velvet
Secondary color: 220 Superwash Aran, Green Apple
Tertiary color: 220 Superwash Aran, White
Size 7 16"circular needles, Size 7 DPN
Based on