Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The White Scarf - Release 1.0

My current project that I am actively working to completion on is a white knitted scarf.

As of November 21, 2011

It is knitted in garter stitch on size 3 bamboo knitting needles. I have forgotten what type of yarn, but given that I'm most likely going to run out before I finish, I'll need to swing by Jo-Ann with what I have to find a new skein.

I started this because I was stressing over school and needed something to do with my hands. I tend to start knitting in class by the end of the semester.

It was started on November 19, 2011.

When I started      

Gauge is unknown because I was taught by a high school friend during one of our classes and during lunch. Currently, it is 23 stitches and about 3 and three quarters inches wide.

As of 11/29/2011, it is 11 and one quarter inches long.

The problem I have discovered with these needles is that they tend to chafe the insides of my index fingers, just above the second knuckle so I cannot knit indefinitely. I also have a tendency to stab myself with the points.

The good side of these needles is that the yarn does not slip off like it tends to do with metal needles. Plus, it feels really cool to be waving these needles around.

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