Sunday, January 3, 2016

Two Sparrow Hats

Over the holidays I got to practice Portuguese knitting on a new pattern. It's amazing how much I can get done when I don't have to go to work.

The first hat is huge. It is a melon hat. My sister tried it on and it covered her entire face.

I followed most of the instructions (cast on 100 stitches, knit 5 rounds of the pattern) but didn't switch to size 8 needles after the ribbing or use the contrasting color for the crown. It knit up in about three days.

The second hat knit up in about two days. I cast on 90 stitches and did only three repeats of the pattern. This made the hat more manageable and removed the first row of decreases from the pattern. It went by much faster.

Here's evidence of the size disparity.

I like this pattern. I think I can get by with casting on 80 stitches to finish up the last of that bright green yarn. 

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