Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gettysburg College Fringed Fleece Blanket

With today being a reading day before final exams, I don't have to worry much about schoolwork yet. So I decided to make the second of three fringed fleece blankets.

If you don't remember how this is done, check back here.

This one was blue and orange, the colors of Gettysburg College.

I trimmed the edges and got to work.

This time I made the length of the fringe the distance from the tip of my index finger to my wrist, which is about 6 inches.

The next thing I did was knot the fringed side, rather than waiting until all the sides had been cut like I had before.

I left the two strips on either side undone until I had gotten to those sides, in case it pulled the fleece.

Because the fringe was so long, I didn't have to knot tightly directly at the cut. Because I wasn't putting as much stress and pull on the fabric, it didn't show the crinkling effect like last time. 

Time from start to finish: 1:30
Time I was actually working rather than taking breaks: 1:13

The finished product:
Huzzah! Two down, one to go.

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