Friday, December 23, 2011

Rug Binding on the Snowmageddon rug

I have been a fan of latch hook rug making ever since I made my first one at age 8.
My first rug is not in good shape

This cat-patterned rug was started about three years ago for my sister's birthday. However, real life interfered and it was sent aside until the winter of 2009/2010.
The completed rug
The Reverse Side

The rug side
When Snowmageddon hit, it seemed the perfect time to finish this rug. I worked on it that entire weekend, starting on Friday night as the snow began falling, on into Saturday and Sunday. It was done before the second blizzard hit.

At least the latch hook part was. I still needed to trim the edges. So sometime later I went to Michaels to get rug binding - a canvas like bias tape that holds the edges in places. The instructions say it gives the rug a more finished look.

I then promptly set it aside and forgot about it. But I have decided that it will get done this year.

The instructions say to cut the extra mesh to an inch of the rug.
Then I was to fold back the edges and stitch in place, or I could use rug binding for a more professional look. That was it.
This is rug binding. It goes for about $5 for 5 yards at Michael's.

Keep in mind that I have never done this before. The instructions are very vague.

Anyway, this is how it happened:

At the beginning

Halfway done
Getting closer
Almost there

The back of the finished project
And that was that. I have no idea if this is what should have happened, but it seems to work. 

The finished project
I have another rug to bind, but given that it is a circle, I think I'll skip the canvas and just sew the canvas to the back of the rug. I can't say the canvas made it 'more professional'.

And why is it that as soon as I finish one project, three new ideas pop into my head?

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