Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bento Box #3: Edamame Salad with Onigiri

I used some of the leftovers from the previous post to make this lunch and substituted onigiri (rice balls) in for the rice. It made for an interesting dynamic.

Bento Box #3: Edamame Salad with Onigiri

Edamame Salad recipe can be found here.

For once, I'm not going to write out the recipe for the onigiri. Instead, I'm linking to the site where I get all the answers to my rice questions. It will be better than trying to follow my own weird and wonderful variations.

Tip #1: Cooking Rice (haven't actually tried this yet)
Tip #2: Sushi Rice
Tip #3: Onigiri FAQ
Tip #4: Keeping Onigiri Fresh

I made these the night before and sealed them in a zip-loc bag. It was a lot of rice. I used 1.5 cups of dry rice which translates to about 4 cups of cooked rice. I would definitely cut down to only 1/2 cup of rice next time.

I also found onigiri molds at a Japanese grocery store but this is a good tutorial using only a plastic bag.

The onigiri made a nice snack during the day and both it and the salad were tasty, but they felt like two separate meals placed together rather than an integrated lunch. Regardless, I would make this again.

Edamame Salad: $1.20 for one serving
Nishiki Rice (1.5 cups), 1/20 of a large bag at $12.79/bag = $0.64 at Fred Meyer
Rice Vinegar, 1/8 of a bottle at $2.49/bottle = $0.31 at Fred Meyer
Sugar and Salt, about $0.02 total
Furikake, 1/3 of a bottle at $2.49/bottle = $0.50 at Uwajimaya
Total Cost: $2.67 for one serving

Other entries in this series:

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