Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bento Box #5: Tortellini with Pesto and Broccoli

Bento Box #5: Tortellini with Pesto and Broccoli
Serves 3

  • 2 small heads of broccoli
  • 1 family-sized packet of tortellini
  • 3 tbsp pesto
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • handful of cherry tomatoes
  • pine nuts (optional)
  1. Slice the broccoli into florets and cut the tomatoes in half.
  2. Cook the tortellini according to the instructions. When there are 2 minutes left on the timer, add the broccoli.
  3. Drain well and pour into another bowl with the tomatoes.
  4. Mix well with the pesto, balsamic vinegar and pine nuts.
  5. Refrigerate for at least an hour before serving.

This dish was balanced and filling - the pesto and balsamic vinegar don't overpower the vegetables and pasta. It doesn't need to be reheated before eating, which makes it great for the really hot days. I ate two of these in the car and they were delicious even when they were lukewarm. 

The only downside is that the tortellini is expensive - I'll switch it out with regular pasta next time.

Verdict: It's a keeper. 

2 heads of broccoli: $1.66 at Safeway
Packet of Tortellini: $5.29 at Safeway
Pesto, 1/10 of a jar at $3.19 = $0.32 at Safeway
Balsamic Vinegar, 1/10 of a jar at $2.95 = $0.30 at Safeway
Cherry Tomatoes: 1/5 of a carton at $2.99/carton = $0.60 at Safeway
Total Cost: $8.17 for 3 servings or $2.72 per serving

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