Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Pink Scarf - Release 2.0

The Pink Scarf is coming along very nicely - and very quickly. It currently measures about 2 feet. These pictures are from today:

I have been told by my new book on knitting that this is ribbing, not seed stitch. Seed stitch (also known as moss stitch) alternates between knit and purl for every row. That is, it looks more like a checkerboard. This is what I would have done if I had started with an odd number of stitches, or if I alternated starting rows with purling and knitting. (I start all rows with purling).

It doesn't look like ribbing to me, but that is because the purls fade to the back, leaving only the face of knits on the front. On the back side, the recessed purls from the front turn into knits, making it look like knitting on the back as well. That caused the scarf to compress sideways, so the end where I did stockinette is wider than the ribbing.

Even still, I like how it looks. It is really soft too.

These are from 2/23 :

My stitches are a bit more uneven here, but I don't think it shows that much unless you are looking for it. The stitches here are a lot looser than the ones from the White Scarf.

I made an account on a knitting website called Ravelry. I'm hoping this will give me new tips and project ideas.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Buckram Foundation - The Cavalier Hat

I am making progress on the hat - I have cut my pattern pieces out of the crown buckram.

 The next step was to sew millinery wire to the edges of the crown and brim. This keeps it from collapsing or flopping over. The wire also keeps the brim flat.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Good Lambda Plushie

The following post needs a bit of explanation.

In my programming languages class today, my professor started talking about type applications for something called lambda calculus. What any of that means is not important. What is important is that he asked us - " And what do you do when you see lambda? Do you just hide? No, you take it home and pet it and  say 'Good lambda'. "

Monday, February 20, 2012

The White Scarf Master Post

Release 1.0 - November 29, 2011
Release 2.0 - December 7, 2011
Release 3.0 - December 28, 2011
Release 4.0 - January 13, 2012
Release 5.0 - February 3, 2012
Release 6.0 - February 17, 2012
Release 7.0 - February 20, 2012

The White Scarf - Release 7.0 - Done!

At long last, I am done with the White Scarf. It has been a long and trusty companion for the last few months.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The White Scarf - Release 6.0

I'm almost at the end of my ball of yarn for The White Scarf and I'm not going to continue it. That's right, The White Scarf is almost done.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Pink Scarf - Release 1.0

With the the cross stitch done, I am finally getting around to using the pink yarn I got in October 2009. And yes, it will be a scarf.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Flat Patterning the Cavalier Hat

As it turns out, this semester I am in a millinery (hatmaking) class! We make four hats over the course of the semester - and the first one is a flat patterned buckram hat.

Buckram is a treated, stiff cotton fabric that holds its shape really well. For this reason, it's used as a foundation for hats that can be made out of flat pieces, essentially, the top of a hat, the sideband, and the brim. Hats like pillboxes and boaters.

And as it happens, cavalier hats.

Below is a picture of my pattern, cut out of brown paper so I could test the fit.

I carefully measured out the scale drawing of a Cavalier hat from the pattern in From the Neck Up. So once again, I have given my teachers the impression that I am a math major.

As it happened, the crown would not fit my head, so I needed to set aside those pieces and try again.

More pictures coming soon!

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Hummingbird Cross Stitch - Master Post

The Hummingbird Cross Stitch Prep Time - January 10, 2012
It's Gonna Take Time - Hummingbird Cross Stitch Part 1 - January 17, 2012
This might not take as long as I thought - The Hummingbird Cross Stitch Part 2 - January 19, 2012
Just keep stitching, Just keep stitching - The Hummingbird Cross Stitch Part 3 - January 24, 2012
The Hummingbird Cross Stitch - Part 4 - January 27, 2012
All but the Back Stitch - The Hummingbird Cross Stitch Part 5 - January 31, 2012
The Hummingbird Cross Stitch - Done!  - February 6, 2012

The Hummingbird Cross Stitch - Done!

After a brief period of ignoring the cross stitch, I finally hunkered done and got the outline of the flowers, vines and birds completed! I know some of the backstitches weren't actually backstitches but I think it turned out pretty well. It definitely gave the leaves and birds more definition but I liked the non-outlined version too.

I also probably should have done the lazy daisies after the backstitch. I don't particularly think how they turned out. Still, I am proud of this little piece.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The White Scarf - Release 5.0

Congratulations! Your <long thing> has evolved into <longer thing>!

The good news is, the white scarf is halfway done. The bad news is, this is coming at the expense of finishing the hummingbird cross stitch which is currently sitting on my printer. It feels neglected but I want to work on the white scarf.

The worse news is, it's only half way done at close to 4 feet.

The other good news is that is coming along at a fairly decent clip so perhaps it will not take as long.