Friday, February 17, 2012

The White Scarf - Release 6.0

I'm almost at the end of my ball of yarn for The White Scarf and I'm not going to continue it. That's right, The White Scarf is almost done.

There are many reasons for that. One of the reasons I started it was to use up the yarn. Now, I'm tired of the scarf. If my stitches are straight, it's because there's nowhere for them to go. It's easy to do when the stitches are so tight.

Additionally, one of my needles broke near the end. It doesn't affect my knitting but I think it's a sign to toss this set of needles. Wood always warps, after all.

I will still do some edging, perhaps a fringe, in a different color when I pick up those skills.

In any case, I'm almost done!

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