Thursday, February 23, 2012

Good Lambda Plushie

The following post needs a bit of explanation.

In my programming languages class today, my professor started talking about type applications for something called lambda calculus. What any of that means is not important. What is important is that he asked us - " And what do you do when you see lambda? Do you just hide? No, you take it home and pet it and  say 'Good lambda'. "

I immediately started sketching out a pattern for this. If you don't know what 'lambda' means, it's a Greek letter - look it up on Wikipedia.

(By the way, I love this guy. He is so quotable and funny that I really look forward to his class. He has fast become one of my favorite professors at college.)

I was going to go to Jo-Ann tomorrow anyway, so I thought I would pick up some felt and batting - I already have my sewing machine here in my apartment.

Then I thought, 'No, I have some felt. And I don't need batting - I can use something else!'


I threaded the machine and got to work. I turned the pieces inside out and straight stitched along the edge, leaving about two inches to turn the thing right side out.

Also, I'm really bad at sewing tight curves. Anyway, that opening turned out to be too small, so I ripped out the last few stitches and turned it right side out.

I cut up more of the felt for stuffing and stuffed the lambda. When I tried to stitch the opening closed, I found that it was really bulky. (No surprise there)

I was still able to force it through and close it up. It's certainly not the neatest thing I've ever done, but it took 20 minutes. Max. I spent more time today sewing wire to buckram using the crank on the machine because I was afraid I would hit the needle on the wire and break the needle. Again.

And now I have a lambda plushie that I can pet and say 'Good lambda'. I can't wait to see my professor's face on Tuesday when I show this to him.

I also can't wait for the reactions of some of my friends when they see this post.

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