Monday, February 20, 2012

The White Scarf - Release 7.0 - Done!

At long last, I am done with the White Scarf. It has been a long and trusty companion for the last few months.

It is perhaps not as long as I would have liked, but it is still a decent length at around 67 inches (5'7").
Currently it is sitting in a drawer until I decide what to do with it. I still say it looks pretty ugly and it's not very smooth. I think perhaps I would like to crochet an edge and make a fringe in another color. Of course, that will have to wait until I have learned to crochet.

I hope that one day in the not-too-distant future I will get to Jo-Ann and take an actual knitting course to pick up on all the stuff I missed learning through my friend. (Gauge? What's that?)

I want to learn to knit lace. That looks really pretty.

Of course, there's the matter of finding time. Now that Night of the Iguana is almost over and Spring Break is nearly upon us, I should find time one of these Saturdays and take a class at Jo-Ann. Maybe my schedule can handle it.

Next up: More practicing with the blue yarn

1 comment:

  1. You need to block it - then it will look better. You do this by laying it out in an ironing board and pinning the corners down the way you want them to be. Then you put a damp cotton towel on the piece and iron over the towel with a hot iron. The steam from the iron will settle the stitches in so they don't look so bumpy and the whole piece will look more "finished."
