Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Pink Scarf - Release 1.0

With the the cross stitch done, I am finally getting around to using the pink yarn I got in October 2009. And yes, it will be a scarf.

But this time I went with size 8 needles for size 8 yarn. The first five rows are in stockinette stitch - alternating knitting and purling. The next three are also is stockinette but in reverse stockinette - because I knitted the last row of the first section, I also knitted the first row of the second section.

And instead of doing garter stitch, I started doing seed stitch on a multiple of two - alternating purling and knitting. Because the last stitch on a row is a knit and the first stitch on the next row is a purl, it makes vertical bands.

I didn't want it to be as wide as the last one so I made it only sixteen stitches - but the bands have curled upon themselves so it is even narrower at 2.5 inches.

Still, it's going a lot faster than the White Scarf

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