Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Pink Scarf - Release 2.0

The Pink Scarf is coming along very nicely - and very quickly. It currently measures about 2 feet. These pictures are from today:

I have been told by my new book on knitting that this is ribbing, not seed stitch. Seed stitch (also known as moss stitch) alternates between knit and purl for every row. That is, it looks more like a checkerboard. This is what I would have done if I had started with an odd number of stitches, or if I alternated starting rows with purling and knitting. (I start all rows with purling).

It doesn't look like ribbing to me, but that is because the purls fade to the back, leaving only the face of knits on the front. On the back side, the recessed purls from the front turn into knits, making it look like knitting on the back as well. That caused the scarf to compress sideways, so the end where I did stockinette is wider than the ribbing.

Even still, I like how it looks. It is really soft too.

These are from 2/23 :

My stitches are a bit more uneven here, but I don't think it shows that much unless you are looking for it. The stitches here are a lot looser than the ones from the White Scarf.

I made an account on a knitting website called Ravelry. I'm hoping this will give me new tips and project ideas.

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