Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Cavalier Hat - Crown and Brim

I spent a good portion of the last week putting the brim together. I cut out two pieces of fabric to fit the brim, with a large amount of seam allowance. I basted one piece to the buckram and sewed along the outer wire edge to hold it in place. The seam allowance was folded over the wire.

I then laid the second piece on the other side and folded the seam allowance underneath the main body of fabric, next to the buckram. This created a fold at the wire edge so that the seam allowance couldn't be seen. I blind hem stitched this fold to the fabric folded over the wire edge to hold it in place.

When that was finally done, I used the machine to sew along the inner wire edge - where the crown goes. I cut out the fabric in the middle and clipped the seam allowance.

It turns out that the crown was somehow larger than the space provided for it on the brim, so backstitching the crown to the brim created a few bumps. Hopefully that should be covered by the ribbon.

I also cut out some lining and hope to get that done soon.

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