Friday, April 6, 2012

The Washcloth Doll - Putting It All Together

In this post, I am going to refer to the parts as Washcloth 1Washcloth 2, and Dishcloth. You can also do this with two manufactured washcloths and a dish towel.

You will also need 5 16-inch lengths of ribbon, yarn, or string, and a pair of scissors.

Displayed below from left to right are Washcloth 1, Washcloth 2, and Dishcloth.

I took Washcloth 2 and rolled it up, tying the ends with two of the ribbons.

I then took Washcloth 1 and folded it into a triangle, and then folded the point down.

I placed that washcloth halfway along the wrong side of the Dishcloth:

And folded the dishcloth on top of the washcloth:

I then tied the ends of the washcloth together with a ribbon close to the dishcloth and tied another right below the washcloth:

This forms the head of the doll.

I then tucked the rolled up Washcloth 2 inside that fold, as close to the head ribbon as possible, and tied right below that.

There! A hand-made doll. The first Washcloth serves as the arms, the second as the head, and the dishcloth as the body and skirt. If my stockinette dishcloth wasn't curling, you would be able to see the width of the skirt better.

This doll is washable - although you should disassemble it before putting it into washing machine - and useful, because you can then break it down to use as washcloths.

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