Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Washcloth - The Washcloth Doll Part 1

So my next project is another knitting thing (not a scarf):

This is a washcloth knitted over Spring Break. It is based on a pattern I heavily mutated from Ravelry.

With Red Heart Soft Yarn Worsted Weight White yarn and on size 6 needles:

Cast on 36 stitches.
Knit three rows.
Row 1: Knit
Row 2: K3, P30 (until there are three stitches left), K3
Row 3: K3, (P2, K1)x10, K3
Row 4: K3, (K2, P1)x10, K3

Do Rows 1 - 4 twelve times.

Knit 4 rows and bind off, weaving in the ends.

The right side:

The wrong side:

When I get further into the project, I will explain it more.

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