Friday, March 9, 2012

The Blue Scarf-Shawl Thing OR My Second First Knitting Project

Note: I amd on Spring Break, so this is a filler-post.

When I was 12, my grandmother tried to teach me how to knit. She started me off with a few rows and then left me to make my scarf. At least, that's what I thought at the time. Looking back, that ball of yarn would never have been to make a scarf.

In any case, I tried to knit for a few weeks but I soon forgot how to purl and my stitches were getting too tight to easily get off the needle. I set it aside.

My first knitting project, in all its would-be glory

A few years later I decided to learn again and got a ball of yarn, a pair of needles, and how-to-knit booklet. I found the instructions too confusing and lost interest. The yarn would sit beneath my bed for years.

In senior year of high school, I decided to try again. This time, I had a friend who also knits. We both had Oceanography together, so one day when our teacher was out she showed me how to start a row and how to knit and purl on what was left of the yarn my grandmother gave me. The sub was a nice, elderly lady who knitted herself and so didn't mind us doing this.

That night I fished out the blue yarn from years previous and cast on many, many stitches. I think I thought that it was to be practice only but I never ripped them out. It was knitted on size 8 needles but I can't remember now the type of yarn.

Thus began the light blue scarf and with it, my habit of knitting in class. I guess I didn't understand how wide it would be. I finished off the yarn and voila! My scarf.

Yeah. It is actually more the size of a shawl. It currently lives in a pile in my room.

With one scarf behind me, I set off to make another one as senior year wound down. This one was in stockinette and so curled. The yarn was form the Vanessa White collection, knitted on size 10 needles.

This one also lives in a pile in my room. It isn't really long enough to wear.

And that was how I spent the second semester of my senior year.

1 comment:

  1. I remember my first "real" scarf (Not counting the original that got lost in a trunk somewhere for years before I finished it) coming out almost exactly like yours. Too wide and short to be either a shawl or a scarf, and much too loud a blue-green to be anything I'd wear at the time. Oh well, that's how you learn, I guess ;)
