Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Different Washcloth - The Washcloth Doll Part 2

I'm sorry for missing the post on Friday; RL interferred and my computer wouldn't turn on. Besides, this pattern was only completed on Saturday so I would have needed to post about something else anyway.

For the next part of this project, I used the same yarn and the same size needles with a slightly different pattern, which I had meant to do the first time. I misread this pattern, which mutated into the pattern from before. I do have to say I like this pattern better.

The right side

The wrong side

Cast on 38 stitches.
Knit three rows
Row 1: Knit
Row 2: K3, Purl to last 3, K3
Row 3: K3, (P2, K1) x 10, P2, K3
Row 4: K3, (K2, P1)x10, K5

Do Rows 1-4 12 times.
Knit 4 rows and bind off, weaving ends in.

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