Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Felt Hat - Tacking on Trim

The felt hat is done!

To finish, I first dipped the edges of the cording in an anti-fraying solution (probably Fray Check). I wrapped the cording around the hat twice and ended used the excess to form a little loop.
I was originally going to use a feather as well, but decided not too at this time. The hat is set up in such a way that adding a feather later would be relatively straightforward.

I threaded a needle with the same thread I used to turn back the edges and whip-stitched around the cord to hold it to the hat.

Currently it is on a "hat stand" which I got at Big Lots for $3.

So that's done!

It's not my masterpiece. I can look at it and find a lot of imperfections, which I'm sure people wouldn't see immediately. I have been told that a lot of other people feel that way, so it is not just me.

Since it's been a few days since I finished it, I can look at it and not see those "mistakes". For a first time attempt, I did rather well.

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