Friday, November 30, 2012

Anniversary and a new project idea

Yesterday was the first anniversary of this blog! This is actually the official 100th post. (I miscounted on Tuesday because the 'total post' count including the one unpublished draft I have).

With the weather turning cold, I thought it would be good to knit yet another scarf. But wait! I actually plan to wear this one. I want to use this chunky  homespun red yarn - it will knit up quickly and it feels good against my skin.

I wanted to do a different pattern than the previous ones so I went looking online. I found a variation on the fan stitch but it wanted 21 stitches per row, which was too wide for my taste. I knitted up a swatch with the blue scarf yarn and didn't like how it turned out.

The stitch I plan on using is called the knotted moss stitch - it's a multiple of 4 and has a lot of knitting front and back and purling together. I've never done increases before so I hope I end up with the right number of stitches.

In other news, I apparently knit into the back instead of the front when I knit normally. Who knew?

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