Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Latch Hook Elk - Part 8

I have reached my least favorite part of this project - running out of yarn. This is at about 70 rows. I have completely run out of light gray and dark gray. This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have more squares to do. This leads to Executive Decisions about which light gray can replaced by another color like white or medium gray and which ones I can keep as light gray.

The reason this is happening at all is because of the yarn is badly manufactured. Specially, the honey, the light grey and the dark gray all untwist at the ends.

This is a honey yarn with frayed ends next to a dark brown yarn with straight ends. The yarn actually untwists as I pull it through. This means I throw out a disproportionate amount of light grays and honeys than I do whites and greens. There was just not enough extra.

I did make Executive Decisions when I got to that part and carefully portioned out the grays. I'm past that part and into the antlers now, so I hope that this problem won't show up again.

At least, I can hope.

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