Thursday, February 28, 2013

Salmon and New Potatoes and Corn and Tomatoes

Salmon and New Potatoes and Corn and Tomatoes
Serves 1
200g new potatoes
150g sweet corn
1 skinless salmon filet
1 very large tomato

2 tbsp red wine vinegar
2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1 shallot finely chopped
sprinkling of basil (optional)
  1. Cook potatoes in boiling water until tender, then drain and slice
  2. For the dressing, mix the vinegar, oil, shallot, capers, and basil together
  3. Rub a little dressing on the salmon and cook on medium high heat, for 7-8 mins. Slice tomato and place on a serving plate. Arrange the corn over the tomatoes and place the potatoes off to one size. Top with the salmon, then drizzle over the remaining dressing.

This was good! Fresh salmon is rather expensive but it was worth it. I certainly will be making this again.

Salmon: EUR 3.20 at the local fisherman's

Tomato: EUR 0.47 at Lidl
Sweetcorn, 1/2 of a can at EUR 0.59/can = EUR 0.30 at Lidl
Shallot: EUR 0.20 at Lidl
Potatoes, 1/5 of a 1kg bag at EUR 1.99/bag = EUR 0.40 at Tesco
Red Vinegar, 1/10 of a bottle at EUR 1.79/bottle = EUR 0.18 at Tesco
Olive Oil, 1/20 of a bottle at EUR 3.99/bottle = EUR 0.20 at Aldi
Total Cost: EUR 4.95 for one serving

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Warm Avocado Salad with Spicy Chorizo

Warm Avocado Salad with Spicy Chorizo
Serves 4
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 small ciabatta , torn into small bite-pieces
  • 200g sliced chorizo
  • 250g cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 2 medium avocado, cubed
  • 200g spinach
  • 100g kale (leftover from here)
  1. Heat 2 tbsp of the oil in a large non-stick frying pan. Fry the ciabatta for 8-10 minutes, tossing occasionally, until starting to crisp and brown, then tip into a large salad bowl.
  2. Lay the chorizo in the pan and dry-fry for 2 minutes until it gives out a red oil. Toss in the tomatoes and cook over a high heat for 1-2 minutes until they start to soften. Drizzle over the vinegar, add the sugar and season well.
  3. Gently toss the avocado, salad and remaining olive oil with the croutons. Spoon over the chorizo and tomatoes and drizzle with any pan juices. Serve immediately.

This meal was alright the night I made it, but vinegar soaked bread and spinach does -not- keep well. There isn't even a good way of separating out the ingredients and recombining them later. I'm writing this recipe off as a loss and I'm pretty sure I won't be using chorizo any time soon.

Chorizo, 2/3 of a 300g pack at EUR 2.99/pack = EUR 2.00 at Lidl
Balsamic Vinegar, 1/20 of a bottle at EUR 1.29/bottle = EUR 0.06 at Lidl
Baby Spinach: EUR 1.49 at Tesco
Kale, 1/2 of a bag at EUR 1.69/bag = EUR 0.85 at Tesco
Cherry Tomatoes: EUR 1.79 at Tesco
Avocados: EUR 0.59 * 2 = EUR 1.18 at Tesco
Ciabatta Roll: EUR 0.39 at Tesco
Olive Oil, 1/10 of a bottle at EUR 3.99/bottle = EUR 0.40 at Aldi
Total Cost: EUR 8.16 for 4 servings or EUR 2.04 for one serving

Friday, February 22, 2013

Kale, Chorizo and Bean Stew

Kale, Chorizo and Bean Stew
Serves 2
  • 1 onion, halved and sliced
  • 1 garlic clove, thinly sliced
  • olive oil
  • 100g chorizo, chopped into pieces
  • 500ml chicken stock
  • 100g curly kale, chopped
  • 400g  of cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
  1. Cook the onion and garlic in 1 tbsp olive oil until soft and starting to color. Add the chorizo and cook until it starts to release its oil. Add the chicken stock and bring to a simmer.
  2. Drop in the kale and beans and simmer for about 6-7 minutes until the kale is tender, then serve.
Once again, I'm not sure where I found this recipe. It's not an actual stew, by the way, it is way too watery for that. 

Honestly, there was nothing about this dish to recommend it - it was pretty bland.

Chorizo, 100g of a 300g packet at EUR 2.99/packet = EUR 1.00 at Lidl
1 Onion: EUR 0.53 at Tesco
400g can of cannelli beans: EUR 0.99 at Tesco
Curly Kale, 1/2 of a bag at EUR 1.69/bag = EUR 0.85 at Tesco
Garlic, 1/8 of a bulb at EUR 0.85 for 4 bulbs = EUR 0.03 at Lidl
Olive Oil, 1/20 of a bottle at EUR 3.99/bottle = EUR 0.20 at Aldi
Chicken Stock Pot, 1 of 4 at EUR 1.99/packet = EUR 0.50 at Lidl
Total Cost: EUR 4.10 for two servings or EUR 2.05 for one serving

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fried Eggs and Sauteed Rosemary Potatoes


Fried Eggs with Rosemary Sauteed Potatoes
Serves 2
  • 425g new potatoes
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • a few springs of rosemary leaves, chopped
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 150-200g of spinach

              1. Cut the potatoes into cubes and, in a large frying pan, fry them in butter for 15 mins until golden and cooked through.
              2. Five minutes in, throw in the onions  
              3. Tip in chopped rosemary leaves and fry for a few minutes until softened.
              4. Push the potatoes and onions to the side of the pan and add a further 1tbsp oil or butter. Break in the eggs and fry to your taste.
              5. Serve the potatoes piled on two plates and top each serving with a fried egg and spinach on the side, or fry only one egg and save half of the potatoes for leftovers
              This was pretty delicious and a well balanced meal. I don't think the spinach went too well with it but that might have been the brand. When I used the leftovers, I fried the spinach leaves in a bit of olive oil and that went over better.
              Conceptually, all this took was some chopping and frying. There was nothing too complicated about it and there was enough for two servings.

              2 Eggs, of a carton of 6 at EUR 2.09/carton = EUR 0.70 at Lidl
              Baby Potatoes, 1/2 of a 1 kg bag at EUR 1.09/bag = EUR 0.55 at Lidl
              Rosemary, 1/2 of a packet at EUR 1.19/packet = EUR 0.60 at Tesco
              Onion: EUR 0.29 at Tesco 
              Olive Oil, 1/20 of a bottle at EUR 3.99/bottle = EUR 0.20 at Lidl
              Spinach, 1/6 of a bag at EUR 1.39/bag = EUR 0.23 at Lidl
              Total Cost: EUR 2.57 for two servings or EUR 1.29 for one serving

              Tuesday, February 19, 2013

              Broiled Cheese, Honey and Apple Open Sandwiches

              I got this recipe from a friend:

              Broiled Cheese, Honey and Apple Open Sandwiches
              1. Two slices of bread (Soft and white works best, but any kind will do)
              2. Goat cheese or other soft cheese or other sliced cheese
              3. Apple, sliced thinly
              4. Honey

              5. Sliced Almonds (Optional)

              Preheat oven to "broil", 500 F or 250C. Spread cheese on bread, then broil till it's sufficiently crispy/melty for your tastes. Optional: place almonds and apples on before broiling, to make them extra crispy/toasty.
              Place apple slices on bread (if they're not there already), drizzle honey, and you're done!

              Sourdough bread...

              With cheddar cheese...

              and one topped with apple slices.

              Right after broiling

              One with broiled apple slices, one with crisp apple slices, drizzled with honey

              The sandwiches, with leftover apple pieces
              This was really good! The cheese melts into the bread and makes it soft - I think this would work even with stale bread. There wasn't really a difference between the broiled apple slices and the crisp ones: the honey was perhaps better discernible with the crisp slices. That would be delicious with wildflower honey or blueberry honey. The broiled slices were softer and the sandwich didn't fall apart as often.

              The bread was Tesco's Sourdough bloomer, the cheese was Tesco's Cathedral City Mild Cheddar, the apple was from Lidl and the honey was a generic brand from Dunnes.

              Monday, February 18, 2013

              Modified Plowman's Lunch

              Also known as 'what did I have in my pantry?'

              This, apparently

              That is two slices of bread with mild cheddar cheese, one sliced apple, and three carrots cut into strips. Making a meal does not get much easier than this. And it was delicious and cheap.

              Keep in mind that this is the same day I made the Irish Breakfast and the Chunky Sausage and Tomato Pasta. I would wager that this plate here would work out to less than EUR 2, so the cost for food for the entire day was about EUR 5.

              Friday, February 15, 2013

              Chunky Sausage and Tomato Pasta

              When I made my version of the Irish Breakfast, I had 6 sausages left over. Because I didn't have a way of safely storing pork, I used up the rest of the sausages later that day in this dish:

              Chunky Sausage and Tomato Pasta
              • 1 tbsp olive oil
              • 6 thick pork sausages , cut into bite-sized pieces
              • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
              • 500g box of passata (seived tomato sauce)
              • 400g can chopped tomatoes
              • 500g penne
              1. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and add the sausages. Fry for about 8 mins until golden and cooked through. Tip in the garlic and fry for 1 min. 
              2. Stir in the tomato passata and tomatoes and simmer for 15 mins.
              3. While the sauce cooks, boil the pasta according to pack instructions and drain. Stir the cooked pasta into the sauce, then serve in bowls.

              There wasn't much to this dish, which is probably why it is the cheapest I've made yet. It used up the extra sausage and made several leftovers but it wasn't anything special.

              6 Sausages from a pack of 8 at EUR 0.95/pack = EUR 0.71 at ALdi
              400g can of Chunky Chopped Tomatoes with Herbs: EUR 0.49 at Aldi
              500g package of Passata: EUR 0.59 at Aldi
              500g of penne: 0.49 at Lidl
              1/20 of a bottle of Olive Oil at EUR 3.99/bottle = EUR 0.20 at Aldi
              Garlic Cloves: 1/6 of a bulb at EUR 0.85 for 4 bulbs = EUR 0.04 at Lidl
              Total Cost: EUR 2.52 for 5 servings or EUR 0.50 per serving

              Thursday, February 14, 2013

              Irish Breakfast - Take 1

              Irish Breakfast 
              Serves 1

              • 2 eggs
              • 2 sausage links
              • 2 slices of bread
              • 1/3 of a can of baked beans
              • 1 tomato
              • 1 tbsp of butter
              • 2 tbsp of olive oil
              Cut the tomato in half and place on a roasting tray. Roast in the oven on 180C for 15 minutes or until the skin starts pulling back from the fruit. While the tomato is roasting, cook the sausage in the olive oil until the sausage is browned all over and is no longer pink in the middle.

              Fry the eggs sunny-side up in the butter to your liking as the sausages are cooking. While the eggs are cooking, slice the bread if necessary and heat the baked beans in the microwave if they are cold.

              Serve the bread, tomato, beans, sausages and eggs together and enjoy.

              This was my own spin on the Irish Breakfast, traditionally made with fried eggs, sausage, rashers (slabs of bacon), white sausage, black sausage, toast and occasionally with tomatoes or beans.

              The meal was about pub-level quality (meaning decent but certainly a lot cheaper) but not good enough to run out every weekend for the ingredients. If the mood hits me, I will make it again but certainly not very often.

              2 Eggs, from a carton of 6 at EUR 2.09/carton = EUR 0.70 at Lidl
              2 Sausages, from a pack of 8 at EUR 0.95/pack = EUR 0.24 at Aldi
              1/3 of a can of baked beans at EUR 0.29/can = EUR 0.10 at Aldi
              1 Tomato: EUR 0.41 at Lidl
              Sourdough Bread, 1/8 of a loaf at EUR 2.05/loaf = EUR 0.26 at Tesco
              Total Cost: EUR 1.71, plus the cost of the olive oil and butter

              Tuesday, February 12, 2013

              Smoked Salmon and Avocado Open Sandwich

              Smoked Salmon and Avocado Open Sandwich
              Serves 1
              • ½ avocado
              • lemon juice (optional)
              • 1 slice of bread
              • a few slices of smoked salmon, about 20g
              Scoop out the avocado into a bowl and mash, with a few drops of lemon juice if desired. Spoon the mash onto the bread, top with the smoked salmon and enjoy.

              I have apparently forgotten what it was like to make a meal and not have leftovers. This was a delightful little sandwich that was made, eaten and done with in 10 minutes. I, of course, had two because how do you store half an avocado? You don't, obviously.

              Two slices of sourdough bread
              Not exactly mashed avocado
              Two open sandwiches
              The original recipe called for rye bread but that apparently doesn't exist in Ireland, so I went for sourdough instead. Frankly, any type of bread would work.

              This sandwich does fall apart easily - the avocado tended to fall off as I ate it. Still, it was delicious and easy to make so I will certainly make this again.

              Sourdough Bread, 1/6 of a loaf at EUR 2.05/loaf = EUR 0.34 at Tesco
              1 Avocado: EUR 0.59 at Tesco
              Smoked Salmon, 40g grams: EUR 1.69 at Tesco
              Total Cost: EUR 2.62 for two sandwiches or EUR 1.31 for one sandwich

              Friday, February 8, 2013

              Salmon with Cucumber Avocado Salsa

              This was a risk - I had never cooked salmon before and I was hesitant to move away from pasta/rice/potato dishes. I'm glad to say it worked out! I will be keeping this recipe even though it is more expensive than my previous dishes.

              I got this recipe from

              My version:

              Salmon with Cucumber Avocado Salsa
              Cucumber Avocado Salsa
              2 avocados, cubed
              1 cucumber, cubed
              1 yellow onion, diced
              3 tbsp basil, chopped
              1tbsp olive oil
              Juice from 1/2 lemon

              Mix together, refrigerate until needed.

              1 salmon filet
              1 tsp olive oil
              Lemon juice

              Rub salmon filet with olive oil and squeeze a few drops of lemon juice onto the filet. Fry the filet skin side down in a frying pan for 4-5 minutes on medium high heat until the skin is golden brown. Flip the filet over and fry the other side for another 4-5 minutes or until the fish is pink all the way through.

              Serve with spinach or kale. 

              The cucumber and avocado are hidden behind the salmon
              The cucumber avocado salsa
              Frying the salmon
              One serving of salmon, salsa and spinach

              Overall I am very pleased with this dish. It has a good serving of vegetables and protein, which is something I've been missing in the pasta dishes. I've discovered that salmon is very easy to cook and it goes well with the spinach and the salsa.

              I really like avocados so although I don't like cucumbers that much, the salsa came out well. I accidentally added parsley along with the basil so it was a little over-spiced.  I would substitute the red onion back in for the yellow onion - the onion was a little bitter. The salsa itself made 8 servings which meant I was eating it for the better part of a week - I'm sure cucumber doesn't freeze well but there must be a way of storing it. 

              The 200g bag of spinach made 7 servings and the salmon filet made only two. In order to use up the salsa, I bought another filet a few days later, I made rice and served that instead of salmon, and I just had it plain with the spinach. 

              It is really a meal that should be made for multiple people (3-4). Despite that, I enjoyed this recipe and will definitely make it again.

              Cucumber Avocado Salsa:
              1 Cucumber: EUR 1.18 at Tesco
              2 Avocados: EUR 1.18 at Tesco
              1 Onion: EUR 0.23 at Tesco
              Lemon Juice, 1/20 of a bottle at EUR 0.79/bottle = EUR 0.04 at Tesco
              Basil, 1/10 of a bottle at EUR 0.35/bottle = EUR 0.04
              Olive oil, 1/20 of a bottle at EUR 3.99/bottle = EUR 0.20 at Lidl
              Total Cost: EUR 2.87 for 8 servings or EUR 0.36 for one serving

              1 Salmon Filet: EUR 3.00 at the local fisherman
              Olive oil, 1/20 of a bottle at EUR 3.99/bottle = EUR 0.20 at Lidl
              Lemon Juice, 1/20 of a bottle at EUR 0.79/bottle = EUR 0.04 at Tesco
              Total Cost: EUR 3.24 for 2 servings or EUR 1.62 for one serving

              Spinach, 200g bag: EUR 2.49 at Tesco
              Total Cost: EUR 2.49 for 7 servings or EUR 0.36 for one serving

              Total Cost for one serving: EUR 2.34