Saturday, September 21, 2013

Egg Omelette, Steamed Bok Choy and Rice

Egg Omelette, Steamed Bok Choy and Rice
Serves 2

  • 1 cup of rice (short grain or Japanese sushi rice)
  • 1/4 cup of rice vinegar
  • 2 pinches of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce
  • 1 head of baby bok choy
1. Boil the rice according to instructions, about 20 minutes or until fully cooked.
2. Heat the rice vinegar and one pinch of sugar in a small saucepan or in the microwave until the sugar has dissolved.
3. Cut the baby bok choy into quarters and heat on medium in a saucepan filled with water. Cover with a top and steam until soft (about 15 minutes).
4. Crack the eggs into a small bowl and combine with the remaining sugar and soy sauce.
5. While the eggs are cooking, combine the rice and rice vinegar mixture.
6. Cook the eggs like a mini-omelette and cut in half.
7. Serve one half of the egg omelette with half of the bok choy and rice.

Egg Omelette, Steamed Bok Choy and Rice

Baby Bok Choy

Sweetened Rice Vinegar


Tamagoyaki, Steamed Bok Choy and Rice

It's important to do this with short rice; enriched long rice (like you get in Food Lion) does not provide the same stickiness and does not mix well with the rice vinegar. Done properly, it tastes like sushi rice. 

I've found that I prefer steamed bok choy to stir-fried bok choy; it doesn't taste as acidic but it still has a nice crunch.

I'm pretty bad at making tamagoyaki - Japanese egg omelettes - but my bad presentation doesn't make it any less delicious. This is one tasty, balanced meal.

My inspiration for it is here.

1 cup rice, 1/2 bag of rice at $0.77/bag = $0.39 at Food Lion
1/5 bottle of rice vinegar at $2.49/bottle = $0.50 at Food Lion
2 pinches of sugar: about $0.05 at Food Lion
2 eggs at $4.29/dozen = $0.72 at Food Lion
1/10 bottle of soy sauce at $1.99/bottle = $0.20 at Food Lion
1 baby bok choy: $0.46 at Food Lion
Total Cost: $2.32 for 2 servings or $1.16 per serving

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