Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Latch Hook Pillow

In the end of the year in sight, it's time to look at something I finished this year: the Dog Latch Hook Pillow.

I started this thing in the summer of 2010, when I needed a bag of batting - a poly fill that is used to - you guessed it - fill pillows. I had the bag for another project, a latch hook stuffed animal in the shape of a kitty. The kitty is not done and probably will not be done this year.

What do I mean by latch hooking? Latch hook rug making works by knotting little lengths of yarn into a canvas mesh in a pattern. By changing the colors and shape you can create different designs. Because these are usually rugs, this is getting filed under 'latch hook rug', although it is certainly not a rug.

I had finished the latch hooking by the end of Summer 2010, but I didn't have anything to work as the back.

Fast forward to the end of Summer 2011. I was about to go back to college and I wanted to finish one of my projects before I went back. Due to another project, I had a lot of scrap muslin left over and I decided to use that. 

As you can see, the back stitching is not even. I matched the wrong sides together and sewed up three sides. I then turned it right side out and stuffed it with batting. I sewed up the remaining side as best as I could, which was not the best it could be. 
In any case, it is barely noticeable and the pillow serves its purpose. I am happy with it and it adds character to my dorm couch.

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