Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Piecing the Potholder

This week I have started on the quilting package.

Upon opening it, I discovered that there were only 6 5x5 squares when there should have been 7. I need 7. Lucky for me, I have scraps from other projects but that is not a good way to start the project.

The first project is a potholder. I picked two squares and cut them along the diagonal to form four triangles.

The sad part about this is that the instructions say how to cut squares into triangles but not how to sew them together. I used the backstitch.

I pinned and stitched one red triangle and one white triangle along one of the shorter sides, right sides together.

You cannot see it well but my stitches are irregular and crooked in the first few pictures. I got better later on.

I did the same for the remaining triangles.

Now with two larger triangles, I pinned and sewed along the edge. This formed the pieced section of the potholder.

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