Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Trimming the Cavalier Hat

First off, I thought I had taken more pictures than this. There are no pictures for the in-between steps, only for the final project. I think I just wanted this done.

Here is the inside of the hat. To the left you can see the grosgrain ribbon that serves as the headband. I sewed that in and re-attached the comb to the back of the hat. That will hopefully prevent it from falling off my head.

I then wrapped a double faced satin ribbon from Jo-Ann once around the brim. I gathered up the feathers and glued them at the stem, like I did for the felt hat. Because the feathers were long enough for my taste, I didn't have to glue feathers together to make them longer. I did add in a bit of millinery wire.

While that was drying I wrapped wire around the bottom and then a bit of ribbon around that. I tacked that onto the left side of the hat with red thread.

I also made a cockade, which is a decoration made from ribbon. You usually see them on tricornes or bicornes. There were instructions on how to do it from the book From the Neck Up, but mine didn't look anything like it was meant to. The instructions were rather unclear on that regard.

That is a close-up on the cockade. It's blocking the ends of the feathers from sight.

It looks pretty although it doesn't look like a cockade.

This looks a lot more Spanish-influenced than I had thought when I was making it. I think I should stop calling it the Cavalier Hat and start calling it the Spanish Musketeer Hat.

But it is done. Finally.

On Friday I will be posting pictures from the class final and tea party.

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