Friday, May 18, 2012

Quilting the Potholder

With the face of the potholder pieced together, it was time to do the actual quilting.

...Which means "stitching next to the seams with an up and down motion".

Yeah. I'm not sure what that means either. I have an idea, but these directions are really bad.


I lined up a 9x9 square of muslin, a slide of batting, and the pieced face.

 I then basted around the edges.

It's rather hard to see, but I just ran two lines of very short basting stitches along the diagonals. My stitches were very crooked and irregular at the beginning but they started looking better about a quarter of the way through.

It is easier to see the stitches on the back.

This is the pinning for finishing the edges. Again, the instructions are very lackluster.

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