Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Happy Halloween!

What better way to spend a hurricane then by carving pumpkins?

This was what my pumpkin looked like on Monday:

I carved out a candle in the middle there but my inexperience nearly cut the pumpkin in two so I didn't bother with the details. Actually, the top made the whole thing unbalanced so I didn't leave it on.

This is what it looked like this morning:

It had already gotten soft in the back and I guess the walls couldn't hold up anymore. It is a sad pumpkin now :(

The little ones were alright! A friend gave me these flickering electric tea lights instead of candles.

 I put one inside my sad pumpkin.

That's my sad pumpkin in the dark.

The little ones didn't turn out so well in the dark.

I'll save the big one until tomorrow but I'll keep the little ones as long as they keep. Despite forgetting that today was Halloween, I still got to have a little holiday.

Happy Halloween everyone!

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