Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Brown Cloak - Part 1

I've been meaning to make a cloak for my RenFaire costume for a while now. On my last day of break, I realized that if I wanted to have it done by Halloween, I needed to do it that day, while I still had a sewing machine.

What followed happened very quickly, mostly due to my experiences in theatre. I don't think there is anything that teaches 'Make it work' like backstage work.

So. I had one day and instructions on how to make a lined cloak.

Riiiight. I needed something that would whip up quick.

This right here is fleece, the same type I use for my blankets. The edges don't need to be finished and the material is warm.

This was about 5 1/2 yards of brown fleece, folded in half.

After a few mishaps, I traded in my needle for a heavy duty one and got to work sewing the back and sides together.  It turns out the material reaches past my feet but that is easy to cut away.

This cloak came with two little caplets and a hood attachted to the back. I ditch the hood and didn't bother to edge the capelets. I'm horrible at it and I didn't have time.

I attached the capelets to the back but the neck edge is unfinished. Apparently, with lining and a hood the piece can be pulled through without raw edges to deal with. I honestly don't care - the cloak will keep me warm and that is what I care about.

I do still need to trim the bottom and do the buttons at the top of the cloak but I can do that back at school before Halloween. Not bad for a day's work. 

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