Monday, July 28, 2014

Crocheted Produce Bag, Take 1

Today I decided to crochet this produce bag. I don't like using plastic bags to hold apples or avocados and if I only have one or two pieces, I won't bother using a bag. 

I needed something that could hold a lot of onions or potatoes. Besides, I still have several skeins of yarn to mess around with and a lot of time on my hands. The entire project took about three hours and consisted mostly of chain stitches. The result... was much smaller than I was expecting.  

To be sure, I used my trusty G hook instead of the I hook the pattern called for and I messed up on one of the increasing rounds.

But this bag can only hold two apples and a peach! The top is also wide open so I wouldn't want to stuff it full of anything. I think I can get two or three medium potatoes in there but I won't try for more.

Looks like it's back to Ravelry for me.

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