Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Latch Hook Kitty - Part 1

This is something I want to get done this year: the Latch Hook Kitty. The good news is that it has already been latched.

The bad news is latching is only half of the project. The other half is actually putting it together.

So it turns out that trying to thread yarn through canvas mesh squares without a needle is really hard, especially when they don't tell you how to make the darts with this stuff.

So I have finished the face part.

Unfortunately, this isn't something I can bring back to school, so the kitty gets to wait some more in the guest room until Spring Break and the summer when I am back home and get to work on this.

I did want to finish the kitty last year, but he will have to wait a little longer.

I think after this I will stick to regular rugs and wall hangings. This construction is just too extreme for me.

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