Thursday, January 19, 2012

This might not take as long as I thought - The Hummingbird Cross Stitch Part 2

As you can see, the cross stitch is coming along quite well. I've been plugging away at it - about an hour each day. It is rather soothing although after a while the eye of the needle starts digging into my finger.

I did manage to miscount my stitches - twice! The first one wasn't so bad so I redid it, but the second one included three leaves that were off by one - including the area I had already redone. I let that mistake go because  it wasn't that bad in the great design of things.

I keep losing my needles too. You would think because they are silver and shiny they would be easy to find but no. I think I lost three and recovered two. Possibly. I had a packet of embroidery needles with me so I didn't have to run out and buy new ones but this keeps happening.

My progress:


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